Ohio Roadtrip: Fern Studio in Cincinnati

We asked our young videographer friend, Stephen, to check out some cool plant places while on a trip to Ohio. This is one of three places he was able to check out on his visit.

Repurposing and reinventing spaces and objects that had once had a completely different use seems to be a growing trend. 

What was once an old gas station has become a thriving plant business for Fern Studio in Cincinnati, Ohio. 

Owner Megan Strasser uses her past work experiences to further her passion for creating spaces. Plants seemed like an obvious extension of stylizing.

“I’ve always been just very visually driven.” 

Megan loves the melding together of plants and midcentury architecture. It’s this aesthetic that sets Fern apart from other plant shops.

Being able to help people find what they want and figure out where it will look best is one of Megan’s favorite things about the studio.

“I wanted people to believe that they could keep plants alive…it’s something that inspires me to keep learning.”

Minimalism is a defining feature of the shop and it reflects what she hopes people will understand about what they purchase from her.

“Everything you bring into your home is intentional…the objects that you bring in, as well as the plants, have all been chosen.” 

For more information about Megan and about Fern, visit the website and follow Fern on Instagram.

This episode of PlantPop was filmed by Stephen Farris.