Peggy Duval: Kokedama Artist

When you have so many plants and a creative spirit, being able to create unique ways to showcase your collection is part of the fun.

Peggy Duval’s love for plants, which she attributes to her father, has expanded in not only her own home collection, it has helped grow her business. The name “Dirty Business” comes from the overall messiness of working with the soil, a place that Peggy enjoys the most.

“I’m the happiest when I’m out in my greenhouse, playing in my dirt.”

Kokedama is a Japanese moss ball design that resembles bonsai. It’s a unique way to show off plants in the home. The kokedama creation can be hung or sat in a colorful dish on a table. It’s not just a simple placement, though.

“Kokedama is an art form. It’s not just a plant in a pot.”

Through research and trial-and-error, Peggy has found perfect combinations of dirt and substances to put around the plant that will make it last.

Rather than keep all of the knowledge and joy to herself, Peggy loves being able to teach the art of kokedama to others. She often does it right out of her house or sometimes teaches classes in collaboration with other vendors.

“When you can teach people about something, I think that there’s value there.”

For more information about Peggy and about Dirty Business, visit her Facebook page. Peggy’s creations are also available for sale at Mrs. Pinkadot in Norfolk. 

This episode was filmed by Leon Guanzon and was edited by Josh Wingard.