hort + culture

Time-lapse Studio


Moving images

Here at our farm, we have built a pretty sophisticated time-lapse studio. In a blacked-out garage near the main office, seven stations silently crank out miraculous films of beautiful plants that we pluck from our growing fields and place in the spotlight. Little computers water the plants, turn grow lights and photo lights on and off, actuate shutters on fourteen cameras, and send the very large, high-resolution RAW images to our editing computers.

Then, the magic happens: gorgeous stills turn into moving images.

And they do move us. (Personally, I’ve shed more tears than I care to admit.)

I have chosen to keep our time-lapse films private, for now. We are sharing this page (and the brief sample above) because it feels like it’s time to let you in on our secret.

If you would like:

  • to view more,

  • to see a certain plant in time-lapse, or

  • to use our time-lapse…please contact art@lancasterfarms.com

Thanks! Art Parkerson

All credit to the PlantPop time-lapse team!

  • Photography: Clayton Leverett

  • Technology: Roger Ernst

  • Horticulture: Kendahl Huber