Clyde Harkrader: Lawyer turned Farmer

A call back to creation is all it takes to turn a hobby into a passion.
For Clyde Harkrader, it was natural to find himself practicing law. His father is a judge, and both his sister and aunt are practicing law as well. It just made sense for him to follow in their footsteps.
A lawyer for thirty years, he began to see the constant conflict of family law wear on him. One day while working part-time on the farm he grew up on, he realized he loved being outdoors much more than working in the courtroom.
Hearkening back to his roots, Clyde has found a new calling in the farm life. He traded his suit and tie for a pair of overalls and never looked back.
“I love it. I have not looked back one hour, one second. I’m working harder than I ever worked.”
It wasn’t difficult to make the transition. He had the knowledge from growing up on the farm, so all he needed was the opportunity. With the help of family and friends, Clyde was able to begin selling his products.
Pink House Farm grew from the combined dreams of Clyde and friends of his. Clyde wanted to start growing vegetables, but he didn’t have the land. His friends had land and longed to have their own farm stand, but didn’t have the time to work it. It was settled that he would be the farmer and those friends would help sell what he produced. Add on to that his Heritage Hogs and a booming business was born.
With the work he does, Clyde tries to adhere to a motto to be kind and to give back. He believes when you provide quality goods, and a lot of them, more people will come back.
Now, he's found that providing a nourishing meal from his own home grown vegetables, chickens, and pigs, brings a smile to every face at the table.
“Being a farmer, like being a lawyer, is a high calling.”
For more information about Pink House Farm in Louisa County, Virginia, visit their Facebook page at