Craig Goodwin: Wildlife Photographer

Nature has a way of comforting and inspiring people in ways they may never have imagined.
What began as a hobby and a way to experience the nature around Spokane has become a thriving photography business for Craig Goodwin.
“Photography, for me, is always about paying attention. It’s showing up and paying attention to a space.”
While many nature photographers choose to do a lot of traveling to get photos of different natural landscapes, Craig has found gorgeous places right around his home.
There is a sense of awe that transpires for the photographer as he’s out one-on-one with the wildlife in his area.
“Literally laying down on the ground and getting eye-level with a wildflower…nature seems to be unnecessarily extravagant…it’s just spectacular.”
Being able to capture the beauty of nature year-round has been an influential experience for him. He’s discovered that plants provide much more to humans than we might think.
“…one of the things that plants help us do is they help us, in subtle and very intuitive ways, mark the passage of time.”
Craig is able to find joy in the smallest moments when he’s photographing in nature, even when things don’t go according to plan.
For more information, visit Craig’s website and follow him on Instagram.
This episode was filmed by Charlie Pierson. The music is by Lane King.