Trevor Mock: Botanical Artist

Trevor Mock is a Tucson, Arizona based artist focused mainly on desert plants using reverse painting on glass technique. Trevor uses muted color to capture the essence of desert plants and the environment. We can find a lot of artists inspired by nature and using botanical subjects; however, Trevor’s approach to creating an experience between the viewer and the plant subject is both aesthetic and informational.
The subjects are usually developed through sketches and ideas, but the paintings are often executed using an actual plant as the model. In addition, Trevor includes the botanical and common names for the plants to engage the viewer hoping to “teach and inspire” the viewer towards an interest in botany.
Metaphorically, Trevor is continuing to “cultivate” his garden of painted botanicals with the intention of “growing” his creative business and talents. Trevor finds tremendous inspiration in investigating and exploring the natural world to create his garden of carefully crafted paintings. Although his paintings do not highlight every detail of the plants, his intention is to include enough information so someone with knowledge of the plant subject will be able to connect to identify with the subject.
For more information about Trevor and to see more of his work, visit his website and follow him on Instagram.
This episode was filmed and edited by Peter Fuhrman.