Ritamary McMahon: The Garden of Neglect

To be good stewards of this planet, we need to pay attention to our fellow inhabitants. That includes animals and plants alike.
Ritamary McMahon is the Executive Director of the Wild Bird Fund in New York City. Her passion is for helping birds and other animals in need of care and rehabilitation. When she isn’t busy running the organization she can be found tending to her rooftop garden, a place of rest in the midst of the bustling city life.
Rita’s initial introduction to plants may be a little unorthodox. She says the local garden club where she grew up would leave out a pile of cookies along with their plant offerings, seemingly as an incentive for the kids to get involved. It turns out the incentive worked on her.
“I became a plant lover because of cookies.”
Understanding the importance of plants is part of the drive to care for them. Especially being in a city, having a space to enjoy nature is crucial. Her involvement with the Wild Bird Fund also has had an impact on how she views the nature around her.
“Plants are so much a part of our life. They nurture us, they feed us, they restore us when we walk in nature…they are a part of our being.”
She points out that plants can be forgiving of the neglect, but as gardeners, we have a responsibility to look out for them. When we do that, we are rewarded with beauty and bounty.
It’s hard work, but it’s worth it.
“A garden gives you grace in living.”
You can visit and support the Wild Bird Fund through their website.
This episode was filmed & edited by Robert Capria.