Loree Bohl: The Danger Garden

Years of designing, adding, and subtracting in the garden can result in a space of tranquility and a feeling of being home. A lot of gardeners turn to the most beautiful flowers or something fragrant, but then you have some gardeners who want something a little different.
Nicknamed “The Danger Garden”, Loree Bohl’s space is filled with beautiful foliage and plants with spikes. The name came from her husband, Andrew, as a reference to the risk the pointy plants could potentially have on their pug, Lila.
“She was really smart, though, she never ran into anything or managed to poke an eye out.”
The Portland, Oregon gardener finds innovative ways to showcase her “dangerous” plants using saucer planters and other unique containers which she finds in her travels.
Her blog, The Danger Garden, is filled with photos of her own garden, but also gardens and places she visits with her husband and with friends. Each post is packed with information and her own perspective. She’s not afraid to be honest.
“I feel like bloggers bring a different, very authentic view. What we’re out there doing and writing about is the real, hands-on, this is what it’s like…”
Loree says that she’s been around gardening her whole life, growing up with her grandparents’ and her parents’ gardens.
“I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t interested in plants…it’s always been a part of my life.”
She hopes that her blog, and her upcoming book, encourages people to get over any fears they may have about gardening and just get out there and have fun and experiment. She stresses the idea anyone can learn to be a gardener, and have a garden, if they want it and make the time.
“I love introducing people to a different way of looking at a garden. It doesn’t have to just be about that fleeting flower.”
Follow Loree’s blog, Danger Garden, and find her on Instagram.
This episode was filmed by Haydn Cieri.