Alice Serafino: Artist

Inspiration can come from the simplest of places, even your own home. Alice Serafino’s interest in using plants in her artwork began when she lived in a house in the woods. They caught her eye while she was out walking, and from there she started making cyanotypes from them.
“The most natural thing to me was to have a stroll, pick plants I found beautiful and bring them to the darkroom. That’s how it all started. I would lay them on photosensitive paper and just admire the patterns they would create.”
When creating her art, Alice doesn’t usually make an exact depiction of what she sees out in nature, but rather focuses on replicating the feelings that the scenes evoke.
“I love to convey the feeling of a meadow, of the side of nature that we don’t usually notice because we tend to overlook the life of ladybugs or pollinating bees unless we stop and observe.”
Even though humans are sometimes featured in Alice’s art, to showcase the connection between us and nature, she always scales them down so flowers tower above them like trees.
“I depict people as very tiny, because we are indeed very tiny in the presence of nature.”
Check out Alice’s website to see more of her work.
A film by Camilla Fantinati.