Noelle Johnson: AZ Plant Lady

Gardening in the desert may seem like it would mostly consist of spiky plants, but desert gardeners are here to say there’s more to it than that.
Landscape consultant, designer, and blogger Noelle Johnson spends a lot of her time showing people how beautiful and personal their garden space can be. The AZ Plant Lady, as she’s known, compares the garden to a painting.
“There is so much that can be done here. It’s a very personal expression of who you are and your taste and what appeals to you, what speaks to you.”
Many of her clients are new to desert gardening, so she spends a lot of time educating them on what will work best in their space.
“You have to forget a lot of what you think you know about gardening, even experienced gardeners do.”
She loves walking people through what makes the desert garden so beautiful. She educates, but she also helps with the design.
“One of my goals as AZ Plant Lady is to dispel the myths…it’s not just cactus and rocks, but there’s so much that can be done.”
What’s most meaningful to her is the excitement that her clients get when they’ve learned how to garden successfully in their desert land.
“I’ve really got the best job in the world.”
For more information about AZ Plant Lady, visit her website. You can also follow her on Instagram.
This episode was filmed & edited by Michael Mejia.