Portraits: Reuben Huffman, Landscape Designer

At fourteen-years-old, Reuben Huffman loved to draw and had a budding appreciation for plants, but had no idea there was a way to combine these two passions until a friend told him about a job at a plant nursery.
Reuben is now the senior landscape designer with Fullmer’s Landscaping in Dayton, Ohio. He’s been the main designer there for almost 20 years.
Growing up on his parents’ farm and peach orchard was where he was first introduced to the world of plants.
“I have these real, gut-level memories of being out there in the peach orchard with blooms as far as I could see…so there was a love of plants there from the beginning.”
Never attending formal schooling for design, most of his expertise has come from the study he’s done on his own or workshops he’s able to attend. Reuben also credits his boss, Lloyd Fullmer, with mentoring him and helping him grow as a designer over the years he’s worked for Fullmer’s.
“I keep my eyes open and do a lot of reading and learning, but not as much in a formal setting.”
The design work that Reuben does with Fullmer’s is all about the extension of the space. He takes time to make sure the right plant is in the right place as a complete package with the aesthetic of the home.
Check out Reuben’s work with Fullmer’s on their website.
This episode was filmed by Leon Guanzon.