Il Colore Delle Foglie: Carla Arnò, Eco Print Designer

Carla Arnò, an eco print designer from Rome, creates stunning fabrics that truly showcase the pure beauty of plants. Her appreciation for nature started at a young age and became something she has carried with her for her entire life.
“It’s been a long journey because when I was a kid, I often visited my grandmother’s garden near Rome, and I was always fascinated by what I could find. Then, as an adult, the art of eco print allowed me to get closer to nature.”
When Carla was first starting her eco printing journey, she focused heavily on which plants could be utilized for her work. However, as time went on, she expanded her interest in nature to all plants, not just those used in her art.
“At the beginning I’d simply focus on which plants could be used for printing, but I soon re-discovered deeper admiration towards every aspect of nature…I now observe them and take care of them differently from before. Now it’s a real passionate love.”
She wishes that everyone would take the time to learn about and appreciate nature the way she has, through appreciating it for what it is rather than taking advantage of it.
“In fact, everybody should love them this much and be ready to protect them. But unfortunately, mankind is quite in contrast with nature, we want to tame nature.”
Even after a decade of eco printing, Carla still finds immense joy in creating her designs, as they allow her to feel a unique connection with nature through her work.
“I am excited each time I open fresh bundles. It’s incredible how, to this day, I continue to be amazed…that nature’s beauty is perfectly conveyed through the fabrics. This way, I can always be in contact with nature and its gifts.”
Visit Carla’s blog and Facebook to learn more about her work!
A film by Camilla Fantinati.
Music by Massimo Fantinati.