Michela Cangani: Jewelry Designer

Nature creates such intricate beauty, filling plants with tiny details that often goes unnoticed by us. Artisans like Michela Cangani, however, have learned to appreciate and utilize these attributes.
Michela’s love for plants started from a young age, and as she grew older, she brought this passion to her work in creating jewelry for her business le Ciliegine di Michela in Rome, Italy.
“My passion for herbs and flowers comes from many long walks that as a kid I would take with my grandmother. She was a farmer with an interest in medicinal plants. Throughout the years she developed a great knowledge of this world she loved and she passed this love down to me.”
Michela loves to admire the smaller flowers that would often go unnoticed in fields, and this translates to her highlighting them in her jewelry.
“I like to look at those miniscule things, enhance them and make them visible to everyone…It’s essential to be gentle and light, as it is very easy for us to ruin their beauty, and I hope this lightness is reflected in my creations.”
Observing the hidden beauties of nature has helped Michela create works that better reflect the smallest of details. She goes as far as to take note of which flowers bees have already pollinated. Michela acknowledges people would call this excessive, but she considers it a necessary step.
“Nature has an incredible balance, and it takes an instant to disrupt it. I don’t want to be part of that rupture. I wish to bring reassurance and unify.”
Follow Michela on Instagram to see more of her work!
A film by Camilla Fantinati. Visit Camilla’s website.