Ammil Design

Being able to preserve a moment in time is something very special. With her business Ammil Design, Day Vail gets to do this by creating jewelry and sun-catchers from pressed flowers. 

“Sometimes I just see something so beautiful in nature, and I just want to capture that.”

Her designs consist of a lot of “spur of the moment” choices, using whatever extra flowers she has on hand rather than meticulously planning it out beforehand. 

“It can sound random, but it's just how my creativity process really works.”

One of her favorite parts of her work is getting to connect with nature in a special way and share a permanent reminder of that connection with other people. 

“We as human beings, we are always looking to connect with someone or something. And I feel like nature kind of does that for you, it meets you halfway.”

A film by Nick Castronuova.