Brushes and Boots

There really is no better way to admire the beauty of plants than to venture out yourself and experience them in their natural state. No one knows that better than Stephanie Daniels. She sells her artwork under the name Brushes and Boots, inspired by the two passions of her life: painting and hiking.
“It really took me getting out, hiking in nature and seeing more of what the desert has to offer and realizing that not only do plants and flowers grow here, but they thrive here.”
One of the things that Stephanie loves about watercolor as a medium is its portability. She’s able to take a mini painting set out on hikes with her so she can truly capture what the desert flora looks like in that moment and bring that to other people as well.
“I view my artwork as being able to bring a piece of the Sonoran Desert into your home. So whether that's a painting or a print or a card or a sticker, you get to have a little piece of the Sonoran Desert with you every day.”
Living in the desert changed Stephanie’s perspective on how lush it actually is, and she hopes that her artwork properly shows off its unique beauty.
“I especially love focusing on the native plants of the Sonoran Desert…I hope that my artwork shows how special that is to other people too.”
Check out Stephanie’s website to see more of her work.
A film by Peter Fuhrman.