Cliffside Bunny Flowers

Cliffside Bunny Flowers is a cut flower farm, specializing in dahlias. Dahlias are a tough flower to create the right environment for, especially when located in the very non-tropical Ohio.
“[It] takes a lot of hard work and patience and consistency to stay with them and grow them for many seasons.”
Joe Meloni talks about how it can be isolating to be in this business when you don’t have other people to bounce ideas off of. However, the joy that he gets from doing the work he does is priceless.
“The world's tough, and sometimes even people in the darkest places see flowers and it brings a smile to their face. And to be part of that is rewarding in itself.”
Directed by Laura Christian.
Produced by Kendahl Huber.
Edited by Maria Morris.
Sylvie Joyner