Dr. Jeffrey Block: The Custodian

Dr. Jeffrey Block and his wife Michelle have nestled their home on a beautiful property between two hospitals where they used to work. They chose this place to start cultivating and growing their family and garden because Michelle saw it as a healthy environment for them. 

“It's one of the reasons for our success in cultivating not simply our own children, but the plants here that we've both regarded as something that's kept us healthy and happy along the way.”

They aim to appeal to all the senses with their garden, curating the plants so that you’re not only seeing beautiful flowers, but are able to hear sounds of bamboo or touch soft leaves as you walk through. 

“The way plants interface with all five of those senses is one of the ways that we marvel in placing them where we can access them here, all in our home garden.”

Dr. Block considers himself a custodian of plants, rather than a collector, taking care of plants and teaching others so that the plants will be able to thrive long after he’s gone. 

“As a custodian…we're here only during our watch as custodians of the plants have come from before we were here. And hopefully they will out survive us.”

A film by Jacopo Fantastichini.