Weronika Anna Rosa: Artist

Even though she’s an artist, Weronika’s first real exposure to plants was through her biochemist grandparents. This gave her a unique perspective on plants, being able to look through a microscope and see things that we otherwise can’t.
“I saw such an obvious beauty and something which is raw, which is not common, not popular.”
Weronika’s most recent series focuses on endemic plants from various countries. She loves that all of these flowers have a story behind them.
“It's actually the storytelling behind the plants which interests me the most.”
She’s thankful for her grandparents introducing her to this world in such a special way, as it opened the door to creating art she’s extremely passionate about.
“There is this connection, really strong connection with my grandparents and my work and how I look into the world today.”
A film by Tuca Paoli.