Nakia Maples: The Philly Plant Guy

What some may deem an obsession, might just be an intense passion for something. In the case of Philadelphia-native Nakia Maples, it’s his vast collection of plants that makes people wonder.
The Philly Plant Guy, as he’s known, can be counted on by neighbors to not only share his plant knowledge, but also participate in some local plant swaps.
He sees his collection of roughly 200 plants as a safe haven for anyone needing time to get away.
“When I come home and I sit with my plants, it’s very, very relaxing and calming.”
Nakia believes that having a positive atmosphere helps not only his own attitude, but also the way the plants grow. He tries to keep up the feeling of joy as he cares for each one.
“I believe that plants have feelings. They definitely drive the way I feel.”
Having the routine of watering, pruning, and feeding the things he grows helps him to unwind and disconnect from what’s going on outside as well.
“When I’m gardening, I’m not thinking about the world. I’m thinking about the plants.”
For more information about Nakia, check out this article written about him.