Anna Rósa Skincare

Anna Rósa didn’t expect to wake up one day, open the newspaper, and discover her true passion, but when she found an article on the practice of herbalism, it clicked. 

“Immediately when I read that article, I just knew it was like an instant calling, not only just one, but a herbalist calling…There was just no question in my mind whatsoever.”

Many people are still a little skeptical of herbalism as a practice. It was even illegal to practice in Iceland when Anna first started her journey. So, Anna takes it upon herself to teach people about the benefits and how it could be integrated into their everyday lives. 

“There was, I wouldn't say a struggle, but you kind of had to have a backbone to tolerate it, definitely. And then you have the responsibility to educate people more than anything else.”

For Anna, one of the best parts of her job is the process of going out and picking the herbs herself during the few months that they’re abundant. She finds it meditative to take this time to forage and be alone in nature. 

“One thing you do always when you are just walking in the nature, you ground yourself…I go just into a flow kind of state, you know, and I think that's everyone's natural state.”

A film by Joshua Wingard.