Plant! Show Ep. 01: Let's talk plants!

Our first episode!
The very first episode of our Plant! Show is here. Check it out and let us know what you think about us standing around talking about plants for twenty minutes! Thanks!
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This episode’s featured hort film
Time stamps for the episode:
00:00 - Intro
01:00 - Farm Work
02:30 - Good, Bad + Ugly (plant photo commentary)
06:45 - Plant vs. Plant
Kong Jr. Scarlet Coleus
Kingswood Torch Coleus
Little Lucky Hot Pink Lantana
Safari Yellow Marigold
Valiant Burgundy Vinca
12:00 - Wall Worthy
Deer Scram
14:30 - Hort Film
16:00 - Inside Voices
Rex Begonia
18:30 - (Plant)Pop Culture
20:00 - Next week?
Art Parkerson