Roza Tabasa: Plant Hoarder

Plants come in all shapes and sizes, and plant collectors (or hoarders) take full advantage of that when filling their homes.  Roza Tabasa knows this well, as she’s packed her home in San Diego to the brim with an abundance of different plant species. 

“I can't stop. It's an addiction. I keep adding on…I kind of lost count. And I was gonna start counting the other day, but then as I kind of gauged it…I think it's over 200.”

Roza finds herself with many plants that have very different needs, so they end up spread through different locations through her house, filling every possible space with greenery. 

Her love for plants started during her childhood, but what really started her hoarding addiction was seeing other peoples’ collections on Instagram. 

“I started being exposed to some more exotic and beautiful ones, and things that were not available here in your common stores. So, I had to start ordering stuff and then it became an addiction, a piece of my personality that I get to show.”

Roza has a deep attachment to her plants, always checking on them and even talking to them. She thinks that every home would be enhanced by a plant collection. 

“I am happy to come down and see how beautiful my little corners look. I think every house should have a plant. They actually should have a minimum. Minimum ten plants. I can't really have my treehouse in a jungle; but, I will have my home jungle.”

A film by Bettina Hanna (@epic.storytelling)